Disappear From Digital Radar

Your sensitive data is too valuable to be stored on servers. That's why we've removed this risk altogether. With ChatMail, your identity, messages, notes, camera, and microphone remain secure and inaccessible to anyone but you. We provide impenetrable protection from unauthorized access and third-party interference, allowing you to stay connected with complete peace of mind. Discover how we achieve this level of security on both UEM and Renati operating systems.

ChatMail Reborn with Renati

Renati is our custom operating system on Pixel devices for privacy- and security-focused customers who don’t trust third-party apps, open devices, or cloud services. It makes ChatMail even more secure by removing every potential vulnerability such as Bluetooth, GPS, NFC, fused location, and emergency services. Renati takes even further preventative measures to safeguard its users against unauthorized access and surveillance attempts with the complete removal of Firebase Cloud Messaging (Google’s backend service), ADB access, and USB Signaling. Add on our custom designed bi-directional tunnelling protocols, in-memory data structures, and Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, and you’ll have ultimate confidence in your data’s safety.

Forensically Tested

Forensically validated to provide robust protection against physical extraction, ensuring advanced counter-espionage and surveillance defense. See the Executive Report Summary and learn what sets Renati apart by visiting renatimobile.com.

ChatMail Fortified with Blackberry® UEM

Our secure encrypted communications are available on a wide range of Android devices thanks to our long standing partnership as a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) of Blackberry Unified Endpoint Management. We’ve taken UEM even further by running it from our private data center to keep your data off the cloud and prevent any interaction between our clients and Blackberry. The added granular control lets us further restrict what data is transmitted in the first place and gives us total authority over the ChatMail ecosystem. We’ve combined the best of their proven technology with our own obsession for privacy and security, with no compromises.

Learn why we trust UEM to seamlessly support mobile device management, enrollment and lockdown.

Say Goodbye to Stored Information

ChatMail is the flagship product of Myntex Inc., headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It is important to have your service provider located in a country where the government supports encryption, privacy, the rights of citizens and due process of law. Exclusive ownership assures round-the-clock security and control eliminating the risks associated with outsourcing to third-party data centers where maintenance, back-up protocols, and physical access are often unknown.

Protect your rights with our proprietary design that guarantees our servers don't store anything beyond username, activation, and expiry date.

Encryption is the process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only authorized parties can access it and those who are not authorized, cannot.

ChatMail provides an integrated end-to-end encrypted messaging protocol. Inspired by the world's leading cryptographers, instant messages are encrypted with ChatMail Advanced Messaging and Parsing Protocol (CAMP), which is unique to ChatMail and encompasses both our PGP and Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

Key Exchange utilizes the Double Ratchet Algorithm which combines the cryptographic ratchet based on the Diffie-Hellman key exchange and a ratchet based on the key derivation function.

ChatMail is the first in our industry to automatically identify both internal and external users. External users default to basic PGP encryption while internal users use Curve25519 with optional fallback to PGP encryption. Internal users receive added features; encrypted voice, pictures and self-destructing messages.

DH Ratchet
Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) with Curve25519
Message Authentication Codes
HMAC based on SHA256
Symmetric Encryption
AES-256 in Counter Mode (CTR)
Automatic verification is done with your public identity key
DH Ratchet
Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) with Curve25519
Message Authentication Codes
HMAC based on SHA256
Symmetric Encryption
AES-256 in Counter Mode (CTR)
Automatic verification is done with your public identity key

Adding a user to your contact list to start a conversation is a thing of the past.

We have designed an automatic identity verification system to make it simple. No need for complex notaries or sitting down and manually verifying keys.

With multiple encryption algorithms and an easy-to-use interface, our advanced features make for a seamless transition into the world of encrypted communications.

Encrypted Backup & Restore
Only you have the ability to backup or access your data using a private, personal password. A simple one-step process and your contacts or notebook are restored.
Web-Based Administration Portal
Distributors have full access to configure and deploy ChatMail encrypted devices. Our advanced portal gives you access to licensing, account administration, remote wipes, transferring accounts and more.
No Server Storage
ChatMail is the first encrypted PGP email solution to support end-to-end encryption. Our email servers act as a relay for your communications. You no longer need to trust that the server is deleting your sensitive information because ChatMail does not store your sent or received messages.
Parsing Algorithm (PGP)
Our proprietary parsing algorithm transforms the way you look at encrypted PGP emails. Our parsing algorithm strips out all the unnecessary bits of a PGP encrypted email - subject lines, email signatures, etc- and converts them to appear like a chat message.
Transparent KeyStore Access
Unparalleled full control over your encryption keys. You can generate new keys with the click of a button. Key cache has been designed so every 24 hours public keys are automatically fetched to make sure you never have an old public key. Individual key lookups can be updated manually in a matter of seconds.
Group Conversations
ChatMail's custom-designed technology allows for both group chat and anonymous group chat. You can select whether members are allowed to send voice messages, images and/or share contacts. You can also set the group to expire after a certain period of time or set a mandatory message expiry for all communications.