Unauthorized charges to your credit card and online shopping accounts, a ransom demand or personal privacy abuse, the aim is to identify your location, contacts, and your mission objectives in order to expose, violate or stop you by whatever means they deem necessary.
ChatMail has one goal and that is to keep our users and their private communications safe from potential or urgent harm and abuse by the wrong people.
Corporate data is the most valuable asset you own. Encryption is no longer just for businesses or individuals working on confidential projects. If you employ people who administer your data, you are vulnerable to a cyber threat or hacking incident, which can cost you a large amount of money to resolve and leave you vulnerable to negative publicity and loss of trust.
Most employees routinely carry and exchange internal and customer data that requires protecting. Unencrypted personal or company-issued phones are a major liability for businesses today. Data breaches occur when hackers infiltrate and retrieve usable information from Smartphones, which they leverage to their nefarious advantage.